Fallout 4


Fallout 4 is a sequel to the legendary series of games first released in 1997 by Interplay Entertainment. The plot of the game takes the player to the post-nuclear war world, where he becomes the Exodus, whose task is to find and deliver the necessary chip to his Sanctuary in 150 days to save the inhabitants from the lack of water.


The release of the original game was followed by sequels, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics. The rights to the third installment were purchased by Bethesda Softworks. Fallout: New Vegas, released in 2010 by Obsidian Studios, was also a popular sequel to the series.

The events of E3 2015 caught the attention of fans of the series when Bethesda Softworks announced it would hold its own press conference. This sparked a lot of speculation about an upcoming surprise, as Bethesda has rarely unveiled many projects at such events before.

There were rumors that the action of Fallout 4 was moved to Boston, but the developers neither confirmed nor denied this information. Such moves were most likely made to create additional interest in the game and cause excitement among fans.

The official announcement of the game and revealing all its details should have caused a real furor among the players, and, apparently, Bethesda was preparing something special for its fans.
